Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Is networking as we know it really working?

We have been led to believe that if we network online we will meet lots of people who we should offer to help in any way we can. In return we will be blessed with lots of great introductions and business.

The truth really is that it does not really matter how much you network online or how much you help other people, the chance of you being rewarded is little better than zilch!

Why do I say that? Well because I asked hundreds of people who have been networking for at least two years! Yes some did get introductions but few admitted it turned into paid work. Of course the real truth is that the majority give up long before then and stop networking.

If you visit the off line clubs and events in your area you find the same people attending them all. They stay for a few months and then disappear because they are not getting any results. Why do they leave? Again I asked dozens of people and got the same answer – it takes too much time and produces no results!

Perhaps they give up to quickly? That may be so, but who is going to help them and guide them. Who is going to tell them how to be successful? The issue is that networking at the local level really does not work very well. Perhaps that explains why getting people to attend a networking event appears to be getting harder!

Well that might be a rather strong message, but if you ask anyone if it really does pay you’ll likely get a negative answer. It does beg the question as to why we still promote networking as the best way of finding business!

But is there a solution?
Is there a better way?
Are we missing something?

I wonder?