Tuesday, January 04, 2011

Is Lady Luck Your Mentor for 2011?

Well at last 2011 has arrived and for many people this is ‘The Year’ that they will be hoping that they will - ‘make it good’.  This is the year when all those wonderful dreams and desires will become true. It is the year in which all those new resolutions will be achieved 100%. This is the year that was supposed to happen last year - but didn’t quite!

To most people these words will have a ring of truth, they know that the year will probably be no better or worse than last year, but they are ever optimistic that things will get much better and that their ‘luck’ will be forthcoming with some wonderful events or happenings that will change their lives for ever.

But sadly the truth is that 2011 will be much the same as 2010 unless they actually do something to make it change. Luck is a myth! It is the word we use when something happens that we cannot explain. Maybe it is good luck, which caused us to win the lottery. Perhaps it is bad luck that gave us some serious illness!

The fact is … we have no control over Lady Luck.

If you depend upon ‘luck’ you will be waiting a long time. So the solution is simply this … if you want to change something then you have to do the changing yourself!

I know most people will say that it is all very well talking about changing their lives but most of their waking hours are already taken up just providing for those essentials that they need.  They work long hours to pay all the bills and feed their families, ensuring each day is acceptable to them and their children. They climb into bed each night exhausted, just to get enough sleep to get up the following day to repeat the exercise once again.

As they get older they look forward to retiring when they won’t have to go to work any longer. Sadly when they get there, they find that their pensions give them less money that they are used to, and now they have many more hours each day to fill. Not to worry, if lady luck looks in favour at then, something will happen that will make it all better.

Well the truth is … if you want change, you need to change it yourself.

"But how?" you might ask

This is the question I hear all the time and when I redirect the question back to them they respond with answers like … “perhaps I’ll win the lottery” … or “my parents will leave me everything when they die” … or “I hopefully will get promoted soon” … or “I plan to start a business one day” … or even “I really do not have a clue!”

Well they probably won’t win the lottery, there parents will die leaving everything to the local cats and dogs home, promotion is thwarted when they get made redundant, they have been planning to start their own business for the last 25 years … and honestly, they probably do not have a clue!

The fact is simply this … if you want to change your life, then you have to do the changing!

"Got the message?"

So pray tell me, why do the majority of people just ignore the solution and blunder on through life, never to achieve their dreams and goals?

Well I think the answer is that most people do have amazing dreams but just do not have any idea as to how they can achieve them.  Their lives are so busy that they don’t really have the time to take the idea they have and do something about it. At the end of a long day it is easy to collapse in that arm chair in front of the TV and be absorbed by the latest soap.

Personally I have experienced just these problems. I have started four of my own business, twice very successfully … once so so and once a complete disaster. I have dozens of great ideas just based around the internet alone. Some are not financially practical for me. Others are not quite at the right time at the moment. One idea is a concept under development which will help others develop themselves a Niche Membership Site. A simple way to create an excellent income stream that will help them achieve some of their goals by actually doing something themselves and not leaving it to lady luck.

Finally, I have learnt a huge lesson. I thought I knew, how to do, what I do! How wrong could I be? I have now learnt the power of having others help me. The Power of Mentorship has enabled me to take a simple idea, and push it through to a working project. I’m being mentored and I am helping other by mentoring them so that we can all drive our ideas forward.

No longer do we wallow in the quicksand of inaction - instead we are driving each other to achieve our individual goals and objectives. Lady Luck is now homeless! We are going to make 2011 a different year, a better one, one that our goals are achieved.

So if you want to change then you know the answer is simply … take action now!

Good Luck to you!

Jim Tuffin is a mentor for a number of people and receives mentoring from others. He is a certified member of The Six Figure Mentors program and would like to encourage anyone who has a desire to create their own internet based business to join the program by way of receiving the Free Seven Day Boot Camp videos.
