Friday, May 21, 2010

Should we Treat Women as Equals to Men?

Over the last few years we are constantly being reminded that men and women should be treated as equals. We are supposed to pay women at the same rate as men, offer the same employment benefits etc.

The retirement age for women in the UK is slowly rising to 65 to match that of men, and then onward and upward until it hits the new ceiling proposed for everyone to retire at.

If not treating women as equal to men is wrong, then not treating men as not equal to women should equally be wrong!

Women, who are 60 this year, retire and get a state pension, but if you’re a man you have to wait another five years!

So much for being equal!


Be Still My Mind said...

In US we work until we are almost dead. I am 68 and will work, travel to Japan to teach and to UK as long as I am able. If you stop working; you stop life.
Please remind me why you gave me your address in UK. I have so many people who connect with me through my blogs: and several others blogs I have. I am also promoting awareness about the 5 types of children Hero, Star, Indigo, Crystal & Liquid Crystal Children that are now on this planet and will one day change it. My book: Discover Your Baby's Spirit tells all. Available on or or or All my books are e-books too now.
So what do you do?
Dr Margaret

Be Still My Mind said...

I read back through your posts. Here is something to think about! We over-populate and create destruction along the way that eventually cause a major deluge in someway that wipes us off the Earth into a higher consciousness of awareness and then re-incarnate, beginning a new age and a new way of existence. We are currently just beginning the Aquarian Age which is about understanding. The Old Piscean Age was about competion and control. Now we have to learn surrender. Interesting?

Jim Tuffin said...

Thanks Margaret!

Brucetta said...

I had a full sex change and am now a man and I can tell you that the world is an easier place for men like me. It took a while for my mates to get used to it though.