Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Is it right to have someone else network online for you?

Recently it has been suggested that is quite acceptable to have someone network online on behalf of another person.

Now whilst I think it is one thing to have someone else make introductions, or even to use a automatic messaging system, to get some initial response I’m not sure about the ethical issue of answering someone in the name of somebody else.

I know that politicians have press officers and private secretaries etc that carry out a similar task, which is one reason why the political system in this country is so bad …. those elected are not in touch with the those who elected them, maybe that is why voter turnout is dropping! ;)

If you visit a members profile and decide to message that person to ask for their advice on something that they are apparently knowledgeable about, how would you feel if your message was being answered by someone completely different!

Perhaps even someone that you did not like! What about the issues of confidentiality between two people? We will need to think twice before saying anything to someone we trust, just in case they have someone acting on their behalf.

OK so politicians do that, but that is what we expect.

Personal online networking is about building a trusted relationship between two people! How can you do that if they are not involved in the process?

If this become an acceptable practise, then online networking will become dead overnight.

I have a friend in Russia who speaks amazing English, I’m sure she would love to earn $8 per hour to answer my messages.

What do you think?

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