Monday, July 16, 2007

Is Social Networking about to change?

Over the last few weeks there have been a number of discussions and reports about the problem advertisers are having in getting a reasonable return from their advertising on the larger social networking platforms.

It appears that these huge sites with their millions of members are perhaps not as they might seem to be. Members are not clicking on the advertisements! Why might this be? Is it perhaps because they are not interested in what they are being offered?But will this affect these sites?

After all they have to earn an income from somewhere if they are to survive. Can they actually capture enough information about each of their members so that they can target advertising? Even then how many members go back to these sites on a regular basis? Some reports suggest that over 97% of people, who sign up, never return!

As a result, will social networking move towards the 'paid for' platforms? Will they become much more 'niche' interest focused? Will this open up opportunities for the smaller niche advertiser?

... but more importantly what is your opinion on this subject?

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