Friday, August 27, 2010

Affiliate Marketing Comes of Age!

Over the last ten years or so we have seen more and more online businesses that recommend products to people in exchange for a fee, called an affiliate payment. This was a great idea as it enabled vendors to get new customers and only have to pay when that customer purchased a product. Today many websites are signing up affiliates to help them sell more of their products or services online.

Like most things, after a while we became used to the idea that people will recommend others people’s products to us. This affiliate marketing strategy has worked for many people, but as an audience we are starting to get wise to these recommendations. How often do we buy something online and when we get it we are not very happy with the result, or worse still feel that we have been 'conned'? I, for one, have purchased many information products, joined membership sites etc, only to be disappointed in what I received and as a result have become quite a sceptic.

So I decided to spend some time and look at what was being offered and what products or services were worthwhile and to try and get an idea of how this 'affiliate marketing' concept worked. Well, I signed up for a number of products and services and privately reviewed them to identify if they were of real value or not. Unfortunately I was not disappointed as my previous findings seemed to hold out in many cases.

I’ve tried affiliate marketing myself and initially found it hard to make any money at all. Indeed I did not even get back what I had invested. Sure, I have loads of ‘free bonuses’, most of them totally worthless and an insult to anyone with even a minimum understanding of the internet.

I did some further research to see if I could identify which people or companies were offering good quality products and services which were worth there cost. What I discovered was that almost all of these people DID NOT try and sell a product or service, rather they offered lots of free information for the potential purchaser to try out first of all. Some even scrapped the traditional ‘long sales page’ and left it to the visitor to sign up to a newsletter or similar, leaving those people to search for how they could buy the products or services available. These people try and make a great impression and build a relationship with the potential buyer, resulting in a level of confidence and trust … and eventually one or more sales.

What was interesting was that the best affiliate marketers rely totally on the quality of their websites, products and services as the main lever to getting more sales. As I investigated further I suddenly started to realise that there was a lot, lot more to affiliate marketing than just recommending a product and sending people to some landing or squeeze page somewhere. I discovered that there is a whole stack of potential methods and procedures that can be used which result in more people buying your products or services.

I’m currently starting a six month, high level affiliate marketing course which looks at the newest ways of selling products online and how to attract huge numbers of people to my specialist websites. This course is now oversubscribed but I will let you know how I get on and what the outcome is.

In the meanwhile I also discovered a fantastic membership site that is operated by one of the instructors on my course. This site has a wealth of information, free of charge, but also much, much more for those who seriously want to make money online. One of the best parts of this membership site is that it is full of video instruction covering every aspect of selling online. As a fabulous bonus all members get free hosting of an unlimited number of websites. That in itself more than covers the monthly fee. I joined because I wanted to find out what was actually being offered behind the scenes, and I have to say I am not the least bit disappointed – it is much more than I expected and I now know that my online marketing efforts will start to produce real results. Best of all these are real people who you can talk too, ask questions and resolve problems.

This membership site was recommended to me by my friend Jamie Okrat who lives down-under, so if you are interested in finding out more then why not go to his site and you’ll find a display add on the front page for the membership site. Well worth a look and it will cost you nothing except a bit of your time.

The potential for selling online is increasing every day, with more and more businesses depending upon web sales to grow their businesses. Jamie wrote a one hundred page plus eBook a couple of years ago which he sold on line for just $9 (US) and he had 15,543 people purchased and download it. Jamie told me that he made more from that eBook than if he had published it as a proper book.

Hmmm ...perhaps it is time to start thinking about doing something similar! :)



Holyman Walker said...

I do afilimate marketing in Africa. It is growing business to be sure. Don't be listening to the people saying there is no thing to it, that it no real business and that sensible people not to be interested. Take a look at for sure.

Anonymous said...
